Account for period between jobs

Account for period between jobs

It’s a fair question to ask how to account for period between jobs. Depending on the circumstances, it may not matter very much. But it’s always a good idea to have an answer.

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Deconstructing the website fiasco

By reader request, I’m going to grab onto the third rail and talk about the Affordable Care Act/Obamacare/ website fiasco.

As someone who has been involved in a large number of IT projects, inside and outside the government, successful and failed, I can speak to that. I know the burning question in everyone’s mind is how can three guys banging away at a keyboard for three days build a better web site than the United States Government?

The snarky answer is that the best projects I’ve ever worked on have been when someone asked for something, then one or two other guys sat down with me and we banged away at a keyboard for a little while and didn’t tell anyone what we were doing until we were done.

But it’s probably more complicated than that. Read more

Open-source licenses, the CISSP, and the real world

You may have a question about open-source licenses on your CISSP exam. I don’t remember the specifics and wouldn’t be able to repeat them anyway, but I had a question on my exam where knowing the differences was helpful in finding the right answer.

And I had to deal with an issue this past week involving open-source technologies where the licenses made a big difference.

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Why computerized information systems frequently fail to meet the needs of users

Let’s take a look at another CISSP-type question today, because I think it has broad implications for more than just CISSPs.

Here’s the question.

Which of the following best explains why computerized information systems frequently fail to meet the needs of users?
A)Inadequate QA (quality assurance) tools
B)Constantly changing user needs
C)Not enough project management.
D)Inadequate user participation in defining system requirements

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